Today I would like to talk about some things... such as fall, and college, and summer too, and also bread.
I haven't been on here much this summer season, which is good because this summer weather has been absolutely lovely! Would you care to agree with me on that? Thank you. But it's so crazy because I thought I had all this time to enjoy summer and all of a sudden some of my friends can't hang out next week because school starts!!!! What?! No! Yeah I guess some high schools start next week, which I think should be changed to at least the first week of September! My oh my! And I want to do lots of adventurous things, lots of them with people who are awesome, but I cannot because I guess education is important, and people have jobs... haha. I found this quote while perusing online which is by the very amazing J.R.R Tolkien which says "I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging and it's very difficult to find anyone." Sad day. Oh Mr. Tolkien- those are my exact thoughts! Anywho...
Speaking of school I decided I'd better do something with my life this year in the form of education, so I applied for College Plus which is a private christian online college. Sweet beans bro. I don't know if I'll be accepted or whatever but at least I'm trying. And just in case you're wondering- I applied in the interest of getting a Bachelor's Degree in English. College smollege...
Lately I've been hankering for some delightful cinnamon bread- like really yumtastic nom homemade cinnamon bread. I should just go make some :) There's a slight problem though- it's summer, it's hot, oven's are hot, people don't like getting hot from the oven... yeah. I'm going to have to wait until fall, which is bitter-sweetly, not too far away. Fall means leather boots, scarfs, sweaters, leafs, bonfires, and of course that cinnamon bread :)
Well, I hope y'all are having a great end of summer :) When fall comes I'll be sure to post some bread recipes :) Blessings!