Snowflakes in the air.... Ahhh Christmas time. It's the most wonderful time of the year!!! I love Christmas... well I should say I love the all the days right after Thanksgiving up until the 25th of December! I am "one of those people" who look for gifts waaaaay before any holiday season, and start playing all the traditional holiday tunes a long ways before anyone even gets their pumpkins off the porch. there's just something so beautiful, different, and innocent about Christmas. If you take the holiday the "right way", Christmastime should be full of love, joy, peace, and giving- not about the gifts WE get, the stuff that stresses US out, or making sure EVERYONE is happy. Everything, all the time, no matter what we do, should always put Jesus in the center, not the side. That dosen't mean that we have to attend every live nativity in our town, only watch The Nativity Story (good movie though), put signs everywhere that say "Jesus is the Reason for the Season", and close our eyes and ears at every Santa Claus related thing. We can bring Christ into everything we do by using the fruits of the spirit, and doing everything in love as Jesus did. We can accept the fact that we are not always going to get what we want, we can't always please everyone, and that He is our Prince of Peace! "Well Sharhaiah, here's the thing" you say " I still haven't gotten most (or any) of my shopping done!" Well then, its good you came here, because I've put together a simple little gift guide for you. It's not exactly to par like those Nordstrom's, or Real Simple Magazine gift guides, but I sure hope it will help!
Sparkle the Stars Holiday Gift Guide 2012!
-For the Christmas Crazy:
1.Christmas (album) by Michael Bublé- swingy jazzy Christmas tunes!
2.We Have a Savior- Hillsong Christmas album- Christmas worship album
3.A Family Christmas by James C. Dobson- our family's favorite Christmas book! Very touching true stories.
-For the Kid who has everything:
1.Mr. Food Face Plate- what kid would like this?
2.Constructible Drinking Straw- an awesome way to drink your milk!
3. Okay- if all else fails- get them a gift card... to a bookstore!
-For Guys:
1.I know that girls play guitar too, but I know that my brother would really like this pick punch.
2.What guy doesn't want a nice scarf? It's made out of alpaca too!
3.Not for sale...yet, but these pillows could easily be made if you're the crafting kind
-For the Ladies:
1.Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge- every young woman should own this book!
2. Get her a cookbook or twenty
3. Society6 has some pretty iPhone covers including this one
-For the Jesus Freak:
1. If he/she doesn't already have Crazy Love by Francis Chan- get it!
2. Pay for them to attend the Jesus Culture Conference in Redding California
3.For the Sake of the World (album) by Bethel
-For the Techie:
1.iPhone Pocket Projector... now you can project your movies on your iPhone (iPhone 4) to your walls
2. Instagram Photos? Wanting to do something cool with all those iPhone photos you have? Here's an iPhone printer!
-For the hard to shop for/ the person who doesn't need anything:
1. I actually did this this year. I have two groups of people who just asked for gift cards, or a service (babysitting, cleaning, etc.) But I had a better idea- why not give to people who need more than we do? I donated a portion of my Christmas money to Samaritian's Purse in these people's honor.
2. Gift cards- Starbucks, amazon, your local book store, iTunes ( dosen't take up any room in the house!)
3. IOU coupons- make them fancy, or type it up. The coupons can be for from anything to a babysitting service ( sitter employees appreciate this!), a free homemade pie or cookies, a song you wrote yourself, a date, a picnic, a hike, a party... be creative! It's the thought that counts!
I hope that my little gift guide helped a little bit. Most of the things above are things that I actually have, or heard of from Pinterest or word of mouth. I sure hope you enjoy the holiday season! I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
-Sharhaiah :)
Monday, December 10, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
The Heart of Worship
Just last week I was on Pinterest and I saw this video of Kim Walker Smith talking about leading worship. After the video was done I clicked on the next video (below) which is about the heart of worship. I think that we as followers of Jesus Christ, need to know where our heart's are at. We may have the idea that our hearts are totally in Christ, but do our actions, and the way we present our selves toward the Lord really speak for us? Watch this video :)
And if you haven't heard this wonderful woman of Christ sing. Here you go!
Friday, October 12, 2012
It's a heart change...
"For where your treasure is, your heart will be also" - Matthew 6:21
Sometimes we all just need a break! Not the kind of break where we stop our work, stop our school, sit on Pinterest all day, tweet about whatever, Facebook it up, and sit around lazily doing nothing at all. But the kind of break where we suddenly hear the roar of His voice, we stop, and we say once again "wow, I'm really sorry Jesus! I've been living for myself again." It's the point where we come humbly to God and realize that we really are not as cool and awesome as we thought. It's the crazy, a little embarrassing, but totally worth it- heart change!
Recently I realized that as much as I complained and just sat around "taking a break" I wasn't going to go anywhere good, or anywhere in general. I started to see that I had been putting the talents and gifts which I delighted in so much- had been put off due to stupid worldly distractions. I would be so full of worry and just dumb ideas and thoughts, and then only say a little prayer before bed to hopefully mend my circumstances.
As I started noticing my behavior I wrote this poem called Broken Heart about one who is trying to please God and the world;
My heart is broken
but slowly breaking
like a piece of iceberg
cracking into the sea
What could have caused this
rather pure mess?
Is it mine?
or yours for the taking?
It's a slight pull
a tug
God nudges
to His side
Beauty calls clear
He is near
and as He calls
He roars.
And then it was crazy because just this week I was at my church college group and the leader was speaking about how we go about life ad then instead of going to Jesus for our troubles- we just go back to our sin again. I was totally just sitting there thinking "eh, I don't even know why I'm listening" until she read a part of Hosea 11 which says "He will roar like a lion. When he roars his children will come trembling." Boom! There it hit me! I had been trying to get closer to God when I had really just been pushing him away, and here I was like a little child trembling at his call once again. I believe that God was speaking to me through that poem and then totally just hit it home with me when I heard a leader confirm it.
As soon as I recognized this huge void in my heart that I had been ignoring for quite some time, I had to let stuff go. First of all I stopped going on Pinterest which has been so good! I found that even though Pinterest is a very cute site with lots of good ideas- I had become very materialist-minded and had been trying to be as awesome and chic as the women on the unrealistic style boards which made me look at my God given beauty as flawed. Since removing myself from the site- I have found a new happiness in who God has made me to be! Second I stopped tweeting and going on Twitter- as I realized the site is a wonderful way to waste time and complain about my life. Wow. Third- I started to write down ways that I could focus on Jesus throughout the day/week:
1. Wake up with Jesus! Spend a little time in prayer and devotion. Start your morning right!
This has been the hardest for me- as I am not a morning person and cannot think clearly until I am fully ready for the day.
2. Do an activity that encourages thoughts towards Jesus- take a walk, draw/paint with worship music, play music on piano/violin/ukulele/guitar, sing, write a letter to God, go outside and take a look at His creation...
Ahhhhh!!!!! My painting is back!!!! This was the most wonderful thing! I had totally forgotten that God had given me the gift of prophetic painting- and man that brush felt so good in my hands!
3. Daily encourage at least 1 person in the day and pray for them.
Yep. And people really appreciate this.
4. Dig deep into your word!
So for this one, I've been taking it really seriously- I've found myself sitting on a couch totally immersed in book after book of the bible and just so in awe thinking "wow, I'm so happy to be doing this now!" Jesus has given me his joy and hunger for his word!
5. Pray without ceasing (1Thessalonians 5:17)
Talking to God- love it :)
6. Read up on knowledge concerning godly values. I've been doing this without realizing it. My recent "knowledge" is getting involved in a ministry that gets women and children out of human trafficking. My friend Kaitlan is involved in Shared Hope International which does exactly what I've been looking for!. Check it out!
Sometimes we all just need a break! Not the kind of break where we stop our work, stop our school, sit on Pinterest all day, tweet about whatever, Facebook it up, and sit around lazily doing nothing at all. But the kind of break where we suddenly hear the roar of His voice, we stop, and we say once again "wow, I'm really sorry Jesus! I've been living for myself again." It's the point where we come humbly to God and realize that we really are not as cool and awesome as we thought. It's the crazy, a little embarrassing, but totally worth it- heart change!
Recently I realized that as much as I complained and just sat around "taking a break" I wasn't going to go anywhere good, or anywhere in general. I started to see that I had been putting the talents and gifts which I delighted in so much- had been put off due to stupid worldly distractions. I would be so full of worry and just dumb ideas and thoughts, and then only say a little prayer before bed to hopefully mend my circumstances.
As I started noticing my behavior I wrote this poem called Broken Heart about one who is trying to please God and the world;
My heart is broken
but slowly breaking
like a piece of iceberg
cracking into the sea
What could have caused this
rather pure mess?
Is it mine?
or yours for the taking?
It's a slight pull
a tug
God nudges
to His side
Beauty calls clear
He is near
and as He calls
He roars.
And then it was crazy because just this week I was at my church college group and the leader was speaking about how we go about life ad then instead of going to Jesus for our troubles- we just go back to our sin again. I was totally just sitting there thinking "eh, I don't even know why I'm listening" until she read a part of Hosea 11 which says "He will roar like a lion. When he roars his children will come trembling." Boom! There it hit me! I had been trying to get closer to God when I had really just been pushing him away, and here I was like a little child trembling at his call once again. I believe that God was speaking to me through that poem and then totally just hit it home with me when I heard a leader confirm it.
As soon as I recognized this huge void in my heart that I had been ignoring for quite some time, I had to let stuff go. First of all I stopped going on Pinterest which has been so good! I found that even though Pinterest is a very cute site with lots of good ideas- I had become very materialist-minded and had been trying to be as awesome and chic as the women on the unrealistic style boards which made me look at my God given beauty as flawed. Since removing myself from the site- I have found a new happiness in who God has made me to be! Second I stopped tweeting and going on Twitter- as I realized the site is a wonderful way to waste time and complain about my life. Wow. Third- I started to write down ways that I could focus on Jesus throughout the day/week:
1. Wake up with Jesus! Spend a little time in prayer and devotion. Start your morning right!
This has been the hardest for me- as I am not a morning person and cannot think clearly until I am fully ready for the day.
2. Do an activity that encourages thoughts towards Jesus- take a walk, draw/paint with worship music, play music on piano/violin/ukulele/guitar, sing, write a letter to God, go outside and take a look at His creation...
Ahhhhh!!!!! My painting is back!!!! This was the most wonderful thing! I had totally forgotten that God had given me the gift of prophetic painting- and man that brush felt so good in my hands!
3. Daily encourage at least 1 person in the day and pray for them.
Yep. And people really appreciate this.
4. Dig deep into your word!
So for this one, I've been taking it really seriously- I've found myself sitting on a couch totally immersed in book after book of the bible and just so in awe thinking "wow, I'm so happy to be doing this now!" Jesus has given me his joy and hunger for his word!
5. Pray without ceasing (1Thessalonians 5:17)
Talking to God- love it :)
6. Read up on knowledge concerning godly values. I've been doing this without realizing it. My recent "knowledge" is getting involved in a ministry that gets women and children out of human trafficking. My friend Kaitlan is involved in Shared Hope International which does exactly what I've been looking for!. Check it out!
These past two weeks have been a serious heart change for me, and an amazing wake up call! Since I have been focusing more on my creator and less on the created, I have found more joy, peace and love than I have ever thought possible. I am becoming more content in Jesus, and that is the way it's supposed to be! If you are finding yourself in the time for a "heart change" I highly encourage you to do so as soon as possible! As hard as it may be- ask yourself "what is pulling me away from Jesus right now?" And then respond to his voice! He wants to talk to you, speak through you, speak to you, give you the best dreams ever (for real), and just be one you can stare at in awe! "Cheer up on your feet! He's calling you!" (Mark 10:49)
Friday, September 7, 2012
Alrighty.... Hey everyone. So my friend Joanna recently won the Liebster Blog Award. The Liebster Blog Award is an award which you get if your blog has less than 200 followers. I see it as a sort of encouragement thing, and then other people get to interact with other bloggers I guess... Anyway, since Joanna got awarded- she got to nominate some other bloggers, which included me (thanks Joanna :)). When you are nominated or awarded you have to answer 11 questions. So here are the question with my answers:
1. If you had one day completely free of obligations and responsibilities, how would you spend your time?
Probably going on an adventure with one of my friends, or just chilling at home... or sleeping.
2. What is your greatest fear?
Needles- I hate them so much.
3. What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
I have so many... Psalm 119:32 "I run in the path of your commands for you have set my heart free", is one of them. I think that it's just so freeing to know that when we follow God's words he lets us run and be free, not be captive and enslaved. This verse just puts a wonderful visual of running with Jesus.
4. If you had the opportunity to meet anyone you wanted to, who would it be? (living or deceased)
Hmmm... that's a hard one. Here's couple: Jesus ( like in person), Mary (Jesus' mother), Taylor Swift- I just love her, and Josh Groban- he has the voice of an angel.
5. What is the most exciting thing that's happened to you in the past year?
Past year? As in last year or this year? Okay last year I went snowboarding for the first time- that was pretty crazy and exciting! And this year I graduated and am starting college soon which is really exciting!
6. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
Tea. I think that coffee counts as a kind of tea also- its a brewed plant.
7. Do you enjoy traveling?
Depends on where I'm going. If you're talking about going to Hawaii or on a cruise, I'd say yes I enjoy traveling.
8. What are you most passionate about?
9. What is your biggest pet peeve?
That chewing sound that people make even if their mouths are closed. I know I do it too, but it bugs me all the time!
10. What is something that puzzles you?
God. If you just think too hard about the why, wheres and who of God- it just gets confusing!
11. What is your favorite song?
Right now at the moment- Divenire by Ludovico Einaudi ( there's a video of it below)
Hope you enjoyed that :)
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Cinnamon Bread and sorts...
Today I would like to talk about some things... such as fall, and college, and summer too, and also bread.
I haven't been on here much this summer season, which is good because this summer weather has been absolutely lovely! Would you care to agree with me on that? Thank you. But it's so crazy because I thought I had all this time to enjoy summer and all of a sudden some of my friends can't hang out next week because school starts!!!! What?! No! Yeah I guess some high schools start next week, which I think should be changed to at least the first week of September! My oh my! And I want to do lots of adventurous things, lots of them with people who are awesome, but I cannot because I guess education is important, and people have jobs... haha. I found this quote while perusing online which is by the very amazing J.R.R Tolkien which says "I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging and it's very difficult to find anyone." Sad day. Oh Mr. Tolkien- those are my exact thoughts! Anywho...
Speaking of school I decided I'd better do something with my life this year in the form of education, so I applied for College Plus which is a private christian online college. Sweet beans bro. I don't know if I'll be accepted or whatever but at least I'm trying. And just in case you're wondering- I applied in the interest of getting a Bachelor's Degree in English. College smollege...
Lately I've been hankering for some delightful cinnamon bread- like really yumtastic nom homemade cinnamon bread. I should just go make some :) There's a slight problem though- it's summer, it's hot, oven's are hot, people don't like getting hot from the oven... yeah. I'm going to have to wait until fall, which is bitter-sweetly, not too far away. Fall means leather boots, scarfs, sweaters, leafs, bonfires, and of course that cinnamon bread :)
Well, I hope y'all are having a great end of summer :) When fall comes I'll be sure to post some bread recipes :) Blessings!
I haven't been on here much this summer season, which is good because this summer weather has been absolutely lovely! Would you care to agree with me on that? Thank you. But it's so crazy because I thought I had all this time to enjoy summer and all of a sudden some of my friends can't hang out next week because school starts!!!! What?! No! Yeah I guess some high schools start next week, which I think should be changed to at least the first week of September! My oh my! And I want to do lots of adventurous things, lots of them with people who are awesome, but I cannot because I guess education is important, and people have jobs... haha. I found this quote while perusing online which is by the very amazing J.R.R Tolkien which says "I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging and it's very difficult to find anyone." Sad day. Oh Mr. Tolkien- those are my exact thoughts! Anywho...
Speaking of school I decided I'd better do something with my life this year in the form of education, so I applied for College Plus which is a private christian online college. Sweet beans bro. I don't know if I'll be accepted or whatever but at least I'm trying. And just in case you're wondering- I applied in the interest of getting a Bachelor's Degree in English. College smollege...
Lately I've been hankering for some delightful cinnamon bread- like really yumtastic nom homemade cinnamon bread. I should just go make some :) There's a slight problem though- it's summer, it's hot, oven's are hot, people don't like getting hot from the oven... yeah. I'm going to have to wait until fall, which is bitter-sweetly, not too far away. Fall means leather boots, scarfs, sweaters, leafs, bonfires, and of course that cinnamon bread :)
Well, I hope y'all are having a great end of summer :) When fall comes I'll be sure to post some bread recipes :) Blessings!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
America, America!!!
Hooray! Hooray! Happy Independence Day of the USA! Points for rhyming... Yay! I was just sitting in my living room the other day thinking about America. It's so cool, there are no other words. This place, which we call America is just so blessed. I mean- yes we do have wars, terrible things going on, drugs, gangs, and lots of other things, but I've just heard so many negative things about our country so far, it's pretty sad. Can't we at least take one day to be happy, to stop complaining, and to keep our chins up? God has blessed our country so much, let's thank Him today for all the good things he has given us! Anyway, back to me being in my living room. So- I was in my living room thinking about how cool America is and just started listing off all the awesome things that give our country so much diverse character. Here's the list:
-List of Things that I appreciate in, around and about America-
Freedom, liberty, love, family, Lady Liberty, Washington State, Montana's Mountains, Old Faithful, geysers, donuts, hot dogs, Food Network, camping, Teen Pact camps, churches, Nashville, wheat fields, picturesque views, museums, people, farms, cities, old diners, fireworks, community, aquariums, books, restraunts, Broadway, Ballet companies, diverse languages, friends, old buildings, history, houses, swing dancing, farmer's markets, snow, warm weather, Frank Sinatra, Taylor Swift,orchestras, music, sand dunes, The Great Northwest, cupcake places, New York, Microsoft, photographers, horses, cars, nail polish, Disneyland, cable television, Pinterest, California, pie, the variety of Colleges, homeschooling, our Military, doctors, theaters, people who serve our country, life, the ocean, Josh Groban, The Space Needle, buffaloes, Yellow Stone National Park, parks, aquatic centers, oreos, malls, kind people, the ability to do most everything, country music, guns, big trees, zoos, the kinds of candy we have here, the police, Oregon, the views, places to go, freedom of religion, food.
Of course you can find some of these things in other countries, but I really do appreciate them being here in America also. Also, I'm sure I'd appreciate some other States, I just haven't been to many of them. I'd encourage you this week to write down a list of everything you love about America, as it really reminds us of how much we are really blessed to live in America. I'd also like to thank all the people who are serving this country in order to make it free. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Again- Happy Independence Day everyone! Have a safe and blessed 4th of July!
-List of Things that I appreciate in, around and about America-
Freedom, liberty, love, family, Lady Liberty, Washington State, Montana's Mountains, Old Faithful, geysers, donuts, hot dogs, Food Network, camping, Teen Pact camps, churches, Nashville, wheat fields, picturesque views, museums, people, farms, cities, old diners, fireworks, community, aquariums, books, restraunts, Broadway, Ballet companies, diverse languages, friends, old buildings, history, houses, swing dancing, farmer's markets, snow, warm weather, Frank Sinatra, Taylor Swift,orchestras, music, sand dunes, The Great Northwest, cupcake places, New York, Microsoft, photographers, horses, cars, nail polish, Disneyland, cable television, Pinterest, California, pie, the variety of Colleges, homeschooling, our Military, doctors, theaters, people who serve our country, life, the ocean, Josh Groban, The Space Needle, buffaloes, Yellow Stone National Park, parks, aquatic centers, oreos, malls, kind people, the ability to do most everything, country music, guns, big trees, zoos, the kinds of candy we have here, the police, Oregon, the views, places to go, freedom of religion, food.
Of course you can find some of these things in other countries, but I really do appreciate them being here in America also. Also, I'm sure I'd appreciate some other States, I just haven't been to many of them. I'd encourage you this week to write down a list of everything you love about America, as it really reminds us of how much we are really blessed to live in America. I'd also like to thank all the people who are serving this country in order to make it free. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Again- Happy Independence Day everyone! Have a safe and blessed 4th of July!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Where We Be
Hey all y'all!
Greetings from super sunny North Cali!!!! Oh my word I am having THE greatest time here!!! It is beautiful, and sunny here :) For any of you who are wondering why I'm in Cali is because my great Aunt turned 80 and she wanted us all to come down here to stay in a big lake-house for a family reunion. We have met so many amazing people with amazing stories and great joy, happiness and friendship to share :) Here are some photos :) (photo courtesy of my brother Zack)
At the top of the house is a weather-vane with a pineapple and a cup of coffee- the pineapple symbolizes "welcome" and the coffee symbolizes "hospitality".
The floor of one of the showers!!!! Sooo pretty! It looks like a river in Autumn :)
This is a Lassen Burger. People used to wait 45 minutes just to get one of these. They are really big and juicy and full of flavor. It's an insult to ask for ketchup, but you don't need it at all!
Here's the beautiful lake and sunset!!!
Playin some old time fiddle tunes with my brother on guitar, and friend of the family playing the dobro- really neat!
Here I am on the dock next to the lake :) It's crazy that even after being on normal land for two hours, I still feel like I'm moving...
So there you go. My week so far has been incredible here. I hope you all are doing great! Blessings!
Greetings from super sunny North Cali!!!! Oh my word I am having THE greatest time here!!! It is beautiful, and sunny here :) For any of you who are wondering why I'm in Cali is because my great Aunt turned 80 and she wanted us all to come down here to stay in a big lake-house for a family reunion. We have met so many amazing people with amazing stories and great joy, happiness and friendship to share :) Here are some photos :) (photo courtesy of my brother Zack)
At the top of the house is a weather-vane with a pineapple and a cup of coffee- the pineapple symbolizes "welcome" and the coffee symbolizes "hospitality".
The floor of one of the showers!!!! Sooo pretty! It looks like a river in Autumn :)
This is a Lassen Burger. People used to wait 45 minutes just to get one of these. They are really big and juicy and full of flavor. It's an insult to ask for ketchup, but you don't need it at all!
Here's the beautiful lake and sunset!!!
Playin some old time fiddle tunes with my brother on guitar, and friend of the family playing the dobro- really neat!
Here I am on the dock next to the lake :) It's crazy that even after being on normal land for two hours, I still feel like I'm moving...
So there you go. My week so far has been incredible here. I hope you all are doing great! Blessings!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
"Comparison is the thief of joy" -Theodore Roosevelt
A couple nights ago, I was lying in bed pondering this quote and thinking about how content I am with who God made me to be, and what I can do. If I cannot paint a Monet, at least I can pick up a brush and paint only what I can paint. If I cannot write such poetics as Shakespere, and Frost, Bon Iver, and Elisabeth Edwards, but at least I can write only what I can write. That is the best thing about creativity and being yourself- there is never a wrong or a right, it just is. Being simply content with who you are is wonderful. Comparison is never fair to myself or the world- because I am not only stealing my own joy, but the world's joy in seeing me content in who God made me. Even if I don't start college right after graduation like other people do- it's okay. As my mom always tells me "No one's racing you to where you are supposed to be." Even if you don't get that job right away, that realationship dosen't work the way you invisioned, or your life dosen't seem to be going anywhere- wait! You are not everyone else! God has an amazing plan for your life. If you feel like everyone else is going places where you'd rather be, talk to God about it- He made the world, He has the maps, the blueprints, and the plans. It wasn't easy for me to get to a place like this where I slowly let God hold the reigns, and I still struggle with it, but I encourage you to do it as soon as possible. When you don't have to worry about your future, it's so amazing! We were never created to live other people's lives. Be yourself, never die a copy!
This is a song that my lovely friend Nicky showed me. It's very relaxing. It has nothing to do with the post, but I just thought I would share it. :) Enjoy. ("Words" by Goldmund)
A couple nights ago, I was lying in bed pondering this quote and thinking about how content I am with who God made me to be, and what I can do. If I cannot paint a Monet, at least I can pick up a brush and paint only what I can paint. If I cannot write such poetics as Shakespere, and Frost, Bon Iver, and Elisabeth Edwards, but at least I can write only what I can write. That is the best thing about creativity and being yourself- there is never a wrong or a right, it just is. Being simply content with who you are is wonderful. Comparison is never fair to myself or the world- because I am not only stealing my own joy, but the world's joy in seeing me content in who God made me. Even if I don't start college right after graduation like other people do- it's okay. As my mom always tells me "No one's racing you to where you are supposed to be." Even if you don't get that job right away, that realationship dosen't work the way you invisioned, or your life dosen't seem to be going anywhere- wait! You are not everyone else! God has an amazing plan for your life. If you feel like everyone else is going places where you'd rather be, talk to God about it- He made the world, He has the maps, the blueprints, and the plans. It wasn't easy for me to get to a place like this where I slowly let God hold the reigns, and I still struggle with it, but I encourage you to do it as soon as possible. When you don't have to worry about your future, it's so amazing! We were never created to live other people's lives. Be yourself, never die a copy!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Food and Camera
Hello! So sad day- our camera broke:( Yeah I should really get my own camera. But lately I've been really inspired by other blogs and Pinterest to put some recipes on here! Like some real recipes- not just a yogurt parfait recipe... Anyway. I promise, promise, promise that as soon as we or I get a camera- there will be food on here! Yay! Are you excited? I'm excited, my tummy's excited :) I hope y'all are doing dandy! Have a great week!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Mother's Day!
I know it's a bit late. I had so much fun today riding bikes at sunset, smelling the warm spring air, eating hotdogs and ice cream with my mother dearest. I didn't expect today to be as amazing as it turned out to be. I wish I could have taken pictures- but our camera broke :( I hope you had an amazing Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day
to all the mothers!!!
Love, Sharhaiah
Happy Mother's Day
to all the mothers!!!
Love, Sharhaiah
Saturday, May 12, 2012
do not waste your beauty
on the mindless things
the things of this world
instead little flower
with tender heart so pretty
bury your roots in the Lord
today is not forever
you'll have to face the weather
but do not be afraid of the storm
soon the Son will greet you
you be safe
you'll be warm.
{by Sharhaiah}
do not waste your beauty
on the mindless things
the things of this world
instead little flower
with tender heart so pretty
bury your roots in the Lord
today is not forever
you'll have to face the weather
but do not be afraid of the storm
soon the Son will greet you
you be safe
you'll be warm.
{by Sharhaiah}
Friday, May 11, 2012
Summer Air

The sky is warming up.
It's the time when you can feel spring's soft perfume in the air.
The bird's song tells of a new begining.
A new day.
A new time.
A restful place.
They say that happiness is on the rise.
That once again, the trees will beckon you with their strong shady boughs.
The sun will cast its rays of long days across the fields.
The earth will awaken fully from its long sleep,
and life
will sing you
lullaby of summer.
{Poem by Sharhaiah}
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Thank you, happy day, twitter, pandora... lots of things.
Hey Y'all!
Feliz Cinco de Mayo!!!! I am so happy right now :) Just so happy. It's funny, because even though I was sick this week, it's actually been a really great week! So I guess blogger got this "new thing"(... I don't know, it might not be new) where you can see how many page views your blog has gotten! And Sparkle the Stars has gotten 348 page views since November!!!! I didn't even know people looked at my blog! It's so amazing :D Thank you every single person who has even taken a peek at Sparkle the Stars!!! Yay!
Since my last post I've gotten two very nice, but addicting things- Twitter and Pandora. I like the way you can post a quick snippet on Twitter and hastag it without being as annoying as that would be on Facebook ( ohhh please!) Oh follow me @SMilicent :)! Also Pandora- I love it! I love Pandora because- you can listen your favorite music without having to pay for it on iTunes. Yesssss. Nice!
So speaking of sick days- what do you like to do when your sick? The traditional juice, toast and tv? Hot bath? When I'm sick I like to take a hot bath, watch Disney channel (I know- soooo low, but its so ridiculous it makes me laugh), eat toasted bread, drink tea, and just chill in my pjs. Oh, and sleep! Sleep is good!
Well it's time for me to hit the hay :) Again- Thank you everyone for viewing my site :) Blessings :)
Feliz Cinco de Mayo!!!! I am so happy right now :) Just so happy. It's funny, because even though I was sick this week, it's actually been a really great week! So I guess blogger got this "new thing"(... I don't know, it might not be new) where you can see how many page views your blog has gotten! And Sparkle the Stars has gotten 348 page views since November!!!! I didn't even know people looked at my blog! It's so amazing :D Thank you every single person who has even taken a peek at Sparkle the Stars!!! Yay!
Since my last post I've gotten two very nice, but addicting things- Twitter and Pandora. I like the way you can post a quick snippet on Twitter and hastag it without being as annoying as that would be on Facebook ( ohhh please!) Oh follow me @SMilicent :)! Also Pandora- I love it! I love Pandora because- you can listen your favorite music without having to pay for it on iTunes. Yesssss. Nice!
So speaking of sick days- what do you like to do when your sick? The traditional juice, toast and tv? Hot bath? When I'm sick I like to take a hot bath, watch Disney channel (I know- soooo low, but its so ridiculous it makes me laugh), eat toasted bread, drink tea, and just chill in my pjs. Oh, and sleep! Sleep is good!
Well it's time for me to hit the hay :) Again- Thank you everyone for viewing my site :) Blessings :)
Cinco de Mayo,
page views,
thank you,
Thursday, April 19, 2012
This Generation
"Generation after generation stands in awe of your work; each one tells stories of your mighty acts."
-Psalm 145:4
This week God has been putting prayers for this generation and the next generation on my heart. I've heard of so many stories and seen so much destruction and sadness occur this week. I have heard what could happen, but will not happen! Last night I listened to a podcast by Pastor Jabin Chavez encouraging us in this generation to dream big. Like really big!!!! Why do we think that there's no hope for this generation, when there really is?!
Isaiah 7:11 says "Ask for a sign from your God. Ask anything. Be extravagant. Ask for the moon!"
Listen to God. He says that we can ask for anything- even the moon. If you need to right now ask him to take over your schools, your homes, your families, your realationships, your friendships. When God takes over- the product is stunning! I mean seriously- if our God created this earth- what more do you think he can do for you?
See what God has already done in your life? And He wants to do even more. He wants you to dream way out of your comfort zone. If you need a car, or a house, or a job, or even a friend- ask him for that and more. Nothing is too small for God. Ever. And I know I've already said this but; if you think you're too big for God then you become your own God, and that's a very scary place to be in.
Jeremiah 29:11 says "I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out-plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for."
God has not abandoned us. He wants our futures to be bright and He wants us to help show others his love so their futures can be changed too. It all starts with love. It all started with love, and it will end in love. Our God is a God who loves- "our God is love" (1 John 4:8.) Starting at simply loving God and loving people is probably the best step you can take in changing your own life and the lives of other people.
I want to end this short note on this; I highly encourage you to start praying for this generation- that we may be changed into people who seek the Lord's face. If you have already been praying- high five for you, things are already changing because of your faith, way to be a leader! God bless you all. :)
-Sharhaiah :)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Welcome spring! Today is the first day that it has been "nice" this year- unless you think that snow is nice. It's sunny and around 60 something degrees. My bike is broken so I tried out a scooter with more success than I ever had- maybe I summoned up courage from my snowboarding experiance? It's just that I'm not very good at having anything moving under my feet, except for a bike which is fine because its more support with the seat and all that. But please do not be mistaken- I have tried skateboarding! So along with my bike being broken/tire flat, I really wanted to play badmition! Badmition is my ALL TIME most FAVORITE sport EVER!!! Not tennis, not ping pong, but badmition! Plus there's just something so classy about having a round of badmition in your own backyard (cheesy I know.) So... I really wanted to play badmition, but we lost the birdies :( So I jump roped, hooray (sarcasticly). I really need to find more to do around here! Maybe I'll do some watercolor later? Yeah? OK.
Well as of now, my brother has been on a missions trip in El Salvador for about 3 days. I am so proud of him and I can't wait to hear the stories when he comes back. I cannot imagine the deliciously ( or not so delicious) warm weather that they are having down there.... oh summer please come soon. I cannot wait for more sunshine, and barefeet, and lemonade, and popsicles.... sigh.
Oh, I forgot to tell y'all. You may actually be getting sick of hearing this but on lets see... Friday, I saw The Hunger Games movie , and dude it was INTENSE!!! It was SO intense that I didn't even eat my candy until the last ten minutes of the movie. This movie is NOT a movie you want to see when you had a bad day, are depressed, or sad, or if you just cannot handle intense movies. Well, if you've read The Hunger Games books then you'd know that like alot of people die, and it's so sad. Spoiler warning: When Rue dies- it's the saddest most beautiful scene ever. If you've never read the books, or seen the movie you're probably wondering or saying to yourself "wow. This girl is awful! Who would want to watch or read anything like that?" I'll tell you why- Katniss (the main girl) is a heroine, she stands up for her country, she fights for what is right, and she has mercy on those who are helpless. Dosen't every girl dream of being someone with as much courage and strength as Katniss? In the book they clearly state that she didn't want to kill anyone- she just needed to survive. It's like Bear Grylls, but way more intense and Katniss is a girl. If you don't agree with me, its all cool.
Thanks for reading my blog readers of Sparkle the Stars. I really appreaciate it. God bless you all :)
Well as of now, my brother has been on a missions trip in El Salvador for about 3 days. I am so proud of him and I can't wait to hear the stories when he comes back. I cannot imagine the deliciously ( or not so delicious) warm weather that they are having down there.... oh summer please come soon. I cannot wait for more sunshine, and barefeet, and lemonade, and popsicles.... sigh.
Oh, I forgot to tell y'all. You may actually be getting sick of hearing this but on lets see... Friday, I saw The Hunger Games movie , and dude it was INTENSE!!! It was SO intense that I didn't even eat my candy until the last ten minutes of the movie. This movie is NOT a movie you want to see when you had a bad day, are depressed, or sad, or if you just cannot handle intense movies. Well, if you've read The Hunger Games books then you'd know that like alot of people die, and it's so sad. Spoiler warning: When Rue dies- it's the saddest most beautiful scene ever. If you've never read the books, or seen the movie you're probably wondering or saying to yourself "wow. This girl is awful! Who would want to watch or read anything like that?" I'll tell you why- Katniss (the main girl) is a heroine, she stands up for her country, she fights for what is right, and she has mercy on those who are helpless. Dosen't every girl dream of being someone with as much courage and strength as Katniss? In the book they clearly state that she didn't want to kill anyone- she just needed to survive. It's like Bear Grylls, but way more intense and Katniss is a girl. If you don't agree with me, its all cool.
Thanks for reading my blog readers of Sparkle the Stars. I really appreaciate it. God bless you all :)
El Salvador,
The Hunger Games
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Movie Soundtracks!!!!!
I love movie soundtracks so much. I was watching a movie with my friends the other day and we were trying to imagine it without a soundtrack- super dull! You should try it next time you watch a movie. I honestly love to go onto iTunes and go to the soundtracks section. Music makes the movie one hundred times better. Some music is just so simple- that a first grader could probably figure it out, and that's what makes some of these composers so genius. It's the moment when you hear that music and it takes you back to the movie. So since you can't exactly ( no not at all) hear these wonderful soundtracks that I listen to. Here's some videos.
The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian Original Movie Soundtrack by Harry Gregson Williams. Seriously- just skip to 3:29 when the violins start their amazingness- it gave me chills.
August Rush Original Sountrack by Mark Macina. Need I say more? The combination of the cello, the orchestra, the childs voice... stunning!
Loss of a Twin Eagle Eye Original Soundtrack by Brian Tyler. Very sad and emotional.
Kingdom Dance from Disney's movie Tangled. By Alan Menken. A wonderful Celtic dance tune. I love 1:15.
Dawn from Pride and Prejudice Original Soundtrack by Jean Yves-Thibaudet. Dreamy.
Night Time by Aaron Zigman & Alexandre Desplat. The whole movie just fits right into this theme song. It's wonderful and bouncy, but mysterious and magical all at once.
Dreamer Soundtrack (Suite) by John Debney. Okay, I know that this video is like 14 minutes long-but this is one of the most beautiful soundtracks I have ever heard. It just makes me think of a lovely horse farm, and pretty much everything beautiful that has to do with life, I hope you agree!
Inception Original Movie Soundtrack by Han Zimmer. This guy is a GENIUS!!!! So the movie is mind bloggling and now the soundtrack is too?! What?! Yeah I found this tidbit on The Pioneer You can read on her website more about her review on the movie too.
So that is all my friends. One of my favorite songs that I did not mention (most Honorable Mention) because I could not find video links, or links are: The Cider House Rules Sound Track- Theme from Cider House Rules by Rachel Portman. I have not seen the movie- but that one song always gets me. If you ever find any soundtracks that strike your fancy- I suggest that you please comment about them in the comments below or let me know :) -Sharhaiah
So that is all my friends. One of my favorite songs that I did not mention (most Honorable Mention) because I could not find video links, or links are: The Cider House Rules Sound Track- Theme from Cider House Rules by Rachel Portman. I have not seen the movie- but that one song always gets me. If you ever find any soundtracks that strike your fancy- I suggest that you please comment about them in the comments below or let me know :) -Sharhaiah
Sunday, February 19, 2012
What do you do when you are sick, bored, or tired? Well if I were you, I would write. I like to write poetry, that's why I created this challenge that I would like to call the 30 day poetry challenge! Whooooo!!! Who's excited?!
I'm not keeping anyone accountable. No need to post anything you write, it's just a fun little thing for you to do :) If you want, you can tell me how it went though. Have a nice day :) -Sharhaiah :)
Monday, February 13, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Birthday Time:)
My birthday is in 2 days! Woop! I am so super excited! So since it is my birthday weekend, I thought I would share a few of my favorite things, items, songs, foods with you. Also I made a great mistake yesternight which ended up being awesome... I will share that with you in a tad bit. Well, I honestly think you should treat everyday like its your birthday, really things are so much more fun that way :) My favorite bible verse right now is Proverbs 31:25 "She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." That's what I want to be- clothed in strength and dignity, and laughing at fear. I don't want to have to worry, but I want to have God fight my battles.
My favorite songs/singers right now are Gungor (songs: Vous Ete Mon Coure, Every Breath, and Let There Be Light), The Honey Trees ( song: cover on Moon River), Norah Jones ( song: Don't Know Why), Ingrid Michaelson (song: Sort Of, Lady in Spain) Taylor Swift and the Civil Wars (song: Safe and Sound), Audrey Assad ( song: Sparrow), Elevation Worship (song: For the Honor). There is alot more music that I like too, but right now these are my favorites :)
My favorite food is Italian, my favorite dessert is chocolate anything pretty much. Okay, now for my little mistake I made last night. So I was really having a hankering for something sweet, and I wanted peanut butter so I mixed up chocolate chips, white chocolate chips and peanut butter in a mug and then put it in the microwave for about 30 seconds, then I took a bannana and spread the peanut butter stuff all over it- gosh it was SO good. I know people put peanut butter on bannanas all the time, but I mean this is a little bit different.
My favorite kind of comfy shoe is TOMS shoes. Ok, so when TOMS first came out, I was like "Uh, who would wear those?!" And then I tried them and they are SO SUPER comfy!!! I pretty much lived all last summer in those shoes. Don't judge a shoe by its cover, haha.
Anyways, I hope you all have an amazing weekend!!!
photo courtesy of Nicole Riggin
My favorite songs/singers right now are Gungor (songs: Vous Ete Mon Coure, Every Breath, and Let There Be Light), The Honey Trees ( song: cover on Moon River), Norah Jones ( song: Don't Know Why), Ingrid Michaelson (song: Sort Of, Lady in Spain) Taylor Swift and the Civil Wars (song: Safe and Sound), Audrey Assad ( song: Sparrow), Elevation Worship (song: For the Honor). There is alot more music that I like too, but right now these are my favorites :)
My favorite food is Italian, my favorite dessert is chocolate anything pretty much. Okay, now for my little mistake I made last night. So I was really having a hankering for something sweet, and I wanted peanut butter so I mixed up chocolate chips, white chocolate chips and peanut butter in a mug and then put it in the microwave for about 30 seconds, then I took a bannana and spread the peanut butter stuff all over it- gosh it was SO good. I know people put peanut butter on bannanas all the time, but I mean this is a little bit different.
My favorite kind of comfy shoe is TOMS shoes. Ok, so when TOMS first came out, I was like "Uh, who would wear those?!" And then I tried them and they are SO SUPER comfy!!! I pretty much lived all last summer in those shoes. Don't judge a shoe by its cover, haha.
Anyways, I hope you all have an amazing weekend!!!
photo courtesy of Nicole Riggin
Monday, February 6, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012
What today is...
Today is... Superbowl Sunday- aka the day of food!!! Really, it sounds so dumb, but when people ask me "hey, which team are you going for?" I'm just like "uh, what are the colors?" And then I just choose teams from the colors, or if a player has like an awesome hairdo- woop-dee-woo! So, as a foodie- I just sorta sit around the food area and eat jalepeno peppers stuffed with goat cheese wrapped in bacon and spread with barbeque sauce...really no biggie! Jalepeno popper thingy recipe here!!! Yum! So I was browsing around the internet (cough, cough- Pinterest) and I found the exact description for what I've been doing this lovely Superbowl Sunday:
Yup. And watching the ads. Happy Superbowl!
Yup. And watching the ads. Happy Superbowl!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Today, may I introduce my first recipe post! It's kind of weird that I never put recipes on here before because I love to cook, bake... make food. Today I made a yogurt parfait. Although the recipe might seem a little too easy, childish, simple... whatever. I like recipes that are easy enough for everyone, and easy to remake as your own.
This is part of my lunch today. Yum!
Personalized Parfaits
-Fruit or a fruit sized filling ( I used frozen blueberries)
- something crunchy- I prefer granola, or a crunchy cereal
-yogurt, ice cream, pudding... whatever you prefer ( I used yogurt)
Get a medium sized glass and layer everything to your liking. I did cereal, blueberries, and then yogurt...
Eat it. That's all. It's super simple, and delicious.
Carameled apple parfait: Apples, caramel sauce, candy bar pieces, vanilla pudding.
Trail mix parfait: Granola, raisins, craisins, nuts, chocolate pieces, yogurt or ice cream.
Summer parfait: mixed berries, melon, peaches, sorbet or yogurt, and cereal.
Chocolate parfait: chcolate ice cream or pudding, chocolate bar pieces or chcolate candies, chcolate krispy cereal.
Monkey parfait: yogurt, peanut butter, bananas, granola, and coconut flakes.
Personalized Parfaits
-Fruit or a fruit sized filling ( I used frozen blueberries)
- something crunchy- I prefer granola, or a crunchy cereal
-yogurt, ice cream, pudding... whatever you prefer ( I used yogurt)
Get a medium sized glass and layer everything to your liking. I did cereal, blueberries, and then yogurt...
Eat it. That's all. It's super simple, and delicious.
Carameled apple parfait: Apples, caramel sauce, candy bar pieces, vanilla pudding.
Trail mix parfait: Granola, raisins, craisins, nuts, chocolate pieces, yogurt or ice cream.
Summer parfait: mixed berries, melon, peaches, sorbet or yogurt, and cereal.
Chocolate parfait: chcolate ice cream or pudding, chocolate bar pieces or chcolate candies, chcolate krispy cereal.
Monkey parfait: yogurt, peanut butter, bananas, granola, and coconut flakes.
Monday, January 16, 2012
3 Reasons to Be Happy
Well hey there! It's been long enough! I've meant to post something on here for quite a while... but I couldn't think of anything, didn't have the time... excuses, excuses... Since I was a little girl I have been quite in awe of all things wedding, and my parents don't mind. So yesterday I went to my second bridal show in my little town here. The last one (last Sunday) was really good. I had a great time putsing around, poking my head around at vendors, and eating cake samples. At the one I went to yesterday- I went with four friends. I actully talked to some vendors, and one of them (a event planning buisiness) heard of my interest in party planning and said that they would be interested as having me as an intern! Ah- my dream job! Yesterday's show had more food (yum-ness!), live music, and a fashion show in the middle of the room- whoa! It was so great to look around at dresses and eat food with friends for a couple hours... dreamy. Also- great news; my old piano teacher has moved back a couple streets over from us from Mississippi, so that means I get to learn piano again!!!! Yay! There are just so many reasons to be happy right now! Oh and- reason #3 is that it's supposed to snow here tonight!!!! I love the snow! I hope that this New Year is bringing you much joy :) God bless :) -Sharhaiah
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