
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Today, may I introduce my first recipe post! It's kind of weird that I never put recipes on here before because I love to cook, bake... make food. Today I made a yogurt parfait. Although the recipe might seem a little too easy, childish, simple... whatever. I like recipes that are easy enough for everyone, and easy to remake as your own.

                                                                        This is part of my lunch today. Yum!

Personalized Parfaits

-Fruit or a fruit sized filling ( I used frozen blueberries)
- something crunchy- I prefer granola, or a crunchy cereal
-yogurt, ice cream, pudding... whatever you prefer ( I used yogurt)

Get a medium sized glass and layer everything to your liking. I did cereal, blueberries, and then yogurt...
Eat it. That's all. It's super simple, and delicious.

Carameled apple parfait: Apples, caramel sauce, candy bar pieces, vanilla pudding. 
Trail mix parfait: Granola, raisins, craisins, nuts, chocolate pieces, yogurt or ice cream.
Summer parfait: mixed berries, melon, peaches, sorbet or yogurt, and cereal.
Chocolate parfait: chcolate ice cream or pudding, chocolate bar pieces or chcolate candies, chcolate krispy cereal.
Monkey parfait: yogurt, peanut butter, bananas, granola, and coconut flakes.

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