Sometimes we forget. Sometimes we forget that the world isn't the only thing around us. Sometimes we go days without acknowledging. Sometimes we get so busy. Sometimes we starve our souls.
I sat there, wondering. I was listening to some hour long worship session with Kim Walker Smith. I had friends praying for me, because I knew that there was something wrong- I just needed to receive vision to see it. Kim started singing "My soul longs for you, my soul longs for you, my soul longs for you..." And then I saw it! I realized that the ache wasn't more physical as it was spiritual. My soul ached, not my heart. Then God started to speak "STOP! Your soul misses its first love" (dagger to the heart.) What is the cure for an aching soul? I believe it is to soak in the glory of His goodness, to let Him heal you, to let Him love you, to run to Him as your fist love and sit in His blessing and wonderful peace. I started to acknowledge Him and worship Him by just being still. I felt like it had been a long hot a day and I was drinking glasses of cool water. Ah!
Psalm 62: 1-2, "Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken"
Song of Solomon 3:4, "I have found the one whom my soul loves."
Jeremiah 29:12-14, "Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity..."
Psalm 45:10, "
"Listen, daughter, and pay careful attention:
Forget your people and your father’s house.
Let the king be enthralled by your beauty;
honor him, for he is your lord."
He knows that you need Him. He wants you to run to Him. He wants you to ask Him things. You need it. He knows your needs, your desires. Today, STOP! Let Him speak to you. Let Him tell you "Hey I've got this, so stop worrying". Today let Him love you. Don't let your soul starve. Feed it. Soak it in! Do not forget your first love!
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